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How Can DUI Charges or Convictions Affect Your Job?

By Hager & Schwartz, P.A.

October 26, 2015

Driving under the influence is a crime that can have many negative consequences for people who have been accused and/or convicted. From extensive fees and fines to possible imprisonment, probation, and court-ordered classes, there are many penalties that can considerably impact one’s life. In addition to the penalties handed down by the court, some individuals facing DUI charges can also face consequences that affect their jobs.

If you pay attention to the news, you may be familiar with high-profile DUI cases involving prominent figures who face employment repercussions after being charged or convicted. It happens quite a bit with professional athletes and politicians. In Broward County, the recent cases of two local judges have also earned considerable attention from the media.

  • Earlier this month, one Broward County judge resigned a year after her DUI arrest. In that incident, the judge was accused of erratic driving and crashing into a parked police vehicle in the courthouse parking lot.
  • Also this month, another Broward County judge was fined $20,000 and ordered to serve a three-month suspension by the Judicial Qualifications Commission in connection to a DUI arrest made in November, 2013.

As these two incidents make clear, DUI convictions, and in some cases merely charges, can be grounds for significant employment repercussions. This is especially true for individuals who are professional drivers, those who must drive a lot as part of their jobs, and licensed professionals who are required by their respective licensing agencies or governing / ethics boards to maintain clean criminal records.

Charges and convictions for these individuals can result in disciplinary actions, suspensions, or even license revocations that threaten careers and income. Even in cases where a DUI does not directly result in disciplinary actions from an employer, convictions and a criminal record can place limitations on individuals who are applying for new work, especially when the position is competitive.

Ultimately, DUI charges or convictions have the potential to be life altering, and for some, they certainly have been. As such, cases like the two mentioned above should serve as reminders of the importance of working with experienced lawyers who have the ability to protect your future.

At Hager & Schwartz, P.A., our Fort Lauderdale DUI lawyers understand what’s at stake for our clients when they are facing criminal charges, and we work tirelessly to protect their futures. If you have questions about your case and how our former prosecutors turned defense attorneys can help you, contact us today for a private and confidential consultation.